Category: Frequencies

  • The Abundance Frequency

    The Abundance Frequency

    Abundance encompasses not only material possessions but also a rich tapestry of intangible elements that enrich our lives. These intangibles include the warmth of energy that fuels our passions, the deep bond of love that nurtures our souls, and the compassion we extend to others that cultivates deeper connections.

  • The Love Frequency

    The Love Frequency

    “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place”. – Zora Neale Hurston Love is a frequency in the universe that we can tune into. The Love Frequency is the energy that flows within and around us. It is often described as the vibration of love that we emit.…

  • The Creation Frequency

    The Creation Frequency

    “Our life is the creation of our mind.” – Buddha. The Creation Frequency offers us tools to manifest our heart’s desires. When we delve into the intricate laws of nature and explore the myriad attributes of the Great Cosmic Mother, we uncover the extraordinary potential of engaging with the frequency…

  • How This Blow-Dry Salon Franchise Went From 3 Units to

    How This Blow-Dry Salon Franchise Went From 3 Units to

    A NEW CONCEPT IN HAIR CARE, ‘the blowout category’, is quickly growing into what has become a $40 billion a year global hair salon industry. There is no end in sight for the growth of this industry, and with a sound, proven business model and operational method in place, Cherry…